Toy Exports from Dongguan Up by 23.3% in June

Toy Exports from Dongguan Up by 23.3% in June

    Statistics from Huangpu Customs show that the export value of toys in Dongguan , Guangdong, amounted to US$ 430 million in the first half of this year, a year-on-year decrease of 22.8% compared with last year. However, the export volume of each single month is showing improvement. In June, toys worth US$ 93.28 million were exported from Dongguan, a year-on-year decrease of 18.8% but a 23.3% increase on the chain base, the highest in the first half of 2009.

    According to Chen Xiangyou the Secretary of Dongguan Toy Trade Association, toy enterprises in Dongguan are gaining more purchase orders at present. Chen holds that these enterprises have benefited from successful program of enterprise transformation. The orders historically were from the Europe and US, while now there is positive development in some newly-emerged markets such as the Middle East and Russia.

    In the long run, as Chen believes, the toy industry should consciously increase their own research and development so as to improve the additional value of their brands.

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